Thursday, August 12, 2010

I Wonder


Do people take the time to see

Who I really wanna be

Or are they too busy looking on e-bay

They never listen to what I say

Looking for something new

Until they see me sitting at a pew

As I was praying I began to cry

The funny part is they proceeded to walk by

As I continued to pray

I wondered and I wondered what to say

Or how much to pay

To see if God would be my hero some day.


Do everything for the better of the world.

Make a difference in your life and in others.

If it is to be,

It is up to you and me.

Are you the difference?


- - Cassandra Falun

** Written in January of 2010


  1. You, my friend, are definitely part of the differene. Blessings and love to you.

  2. I try to be... even tho everyday is a struggle for me, people matter to me.
