Here are some tubing pictures! The best part... but you definitely feel the pain the next day :D but still... don't regret one moment!
My friends and brother on the tube! My brother such a show of... and right after that he falls off lol too funny but a blast.

My friends mom and I on the tube ya!!!

We had went to the lake with some friends that came to visit us for the weekend so we had a blast all weekend do all different things and we only went to the lake for the day. - -
I also have been going through some more medical things have had more seizures and have been working a lot and actually taking my first!!!! holiday this week... like actually this is my first holiday of the whole summer officially. So I am super excited to go to the lake for 5 days to get away and hopefully just clear my mind. Hoping and wishing you guys all the best in your guys summer, really have been hopin its been great because you guys deserve the best! God created you and no matter the circumstances you're in he loves you and you are beautiful!
----Cassandra Falun