I sit here thinking I am in more pain
The medical things I go through
But, no hope stands because they don't have money for a cure
We have the freedom
What about him or her?
His mind is filled with gory thoughts
What we find is normal
That normal is not normal for him
The pictures he drew,
Completely blowing my mind away.
And she, she was left behind to die
Her family couldn't afford her
As she hides under a table abandoned
Just skin and bones.
At the age of five she couldn't fend for herself,
She was just expected to die.
This is not a story 'bout him or her
It is about a person who is hurting deep inside.
Why are we just standing here?
The capability we have to help
But, the labels given to one another set us apart.
We are all human,
Unique in our own way.
The greed society has,
We binge
Our wardrobes are endless.
But what about him or her?
They are stuck with nothing,
Not even a family that loves them.
Don't let your hearts turn cold
It's cowardly to only think of ourselves
But, we can set them free,
Just with our love.
~~By: Cassandra Siemens 2011
I support a little boy and a little girl, they are actually fortunate to have a family, but the fact of the matter is, is what are we doing with our money?
If there is a poor man among you, one of you brothers, in any of the towns of the land which the LORD your God is giving you, you shall not harden your heart, nor close your hand to your poor brother; but you shall freely open your hand to him, and generously lend him sufficient for his need in whatever he lacks. ~ Deuteronomy 15:7
~~These attitudes are a world away from God's attitudes, as described in many verses in the Bible. Neediness arouses compassion in God-- and action. We may think: "Of course God loves the poor; he loves everybody." But it's not so simple as that; God's character is presented as a model for our own. If God values the poor, we have to think about what that means for us.

Cassandra Falun