Saturday, January 26, 2013

Moving Away

Moving to go to College.
When I came to the realization that I was moving 6 hours away from my family to attend school at the beginning of January I was scared yet excited.
Now here I am at College since the 7th of January and I am doing great. Of course I miss seeing my family every once and a while but God has a calling for me and it is here right now. I am just attending 1 year for my Children's Ministry Certificate, but please pray for God to show me signs if I am supposed to come back and do 4 years.
But, other than that I am alive! Eating, living, and homework... yaii!!!
The Life Of A College Student,
Cassandra Falun

Monday, January 21, 2013

The Holiness Of God

So I am sooo busy that I will only have time to write every once and a while... But, here I am reading a book by R C Sproul called The Holiness Of God for my Theology class. It has an amazing perspective of things going on in this world and some things that you probably have never thought of.
.... This young man first states how the Old Testament opens with, "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." But, really we just look at it as the beginning of the book, the beginning of what Christ created for us. Then he states, "How was it done?" ... Ok now is your mind thinking a little bit? I can tell you mine sure was. 
"In the beginning..." 
--------------It sounds like the beginning of a fairytale: "Once upon a time." The trouble is that in the beginning there was no time as we understand it to be "once upon," Sproul states.
Well that got me in a deep discussion with my roommate on what came before Genesis like it explains in the book... Now come on you can't tell me that you are not saying/thinking, "well there was nothing but God."
This was what Sproul shares with us that he got out of his Philosophy class.
--------------But what in the world is "nothing?" Have you ever tried to think about nothing? Where can we find it? Obviously nowhere. Why? Because it is nothing, and nothing doesn't exist. It can't exist, because if it did, then it would be something and not nothing. Are you starting to get a headache like mine? Think about it for a second. O can't tell you to think about "it" because nothing isn't an "it." I can only say "nothing isn't." ... If we try thinking about nothing, we always wind up thinking about something.

Ok. Now that is not cool... that changes my whole frame of mind on how us as human beings say, "I did nothing today..." You didn't do nothing you did something! Laid on the couch, watched TV, or whatever!!! But, we are using nothing in the wrong context. "Nothing" has a definition just like everything else in our vocabulary or should I say dictionary... My roommate Bre and I discussed this for four hours!! Can you believe that?! And we came to the conclusion that, something is not nothing, but saying nothing means you are hiding behind something... That's a lot to chew isn't it... As I tried to attempt to go to bed that night I stared at the ceiling for two hours thinking [ok... don't read this book before you are about to go to bed] about his description about "nothing" and "something." [There is so much more to subject, all I got to say is get the book and read it!!]
Of course as you go on in the book there are a lot of different perspectives on different topics and lots that you will disagree on but it is fasinating on how people have a different frame of mind than others. I thought this was interesting so I had to blog it and share with y'all how the life is out in Bible College.
The Life Of A College Student
Cassandra Falun