Tuesday, December 11, 2012


          What is out deepest passion? Women? Men? Passion for fitting in? Which creates you to be someone totally different… Video Games? Scrapbooking? Sports? Etc. What do you find you put your heart and soul into the most? Our generation today has fixed their minds to what society is trying to sell to them. Women having to look like the models in the magazines, men all over women thinking they own them. Don’t get me wrong our generation; my generation has passion it is just misplaced. So, the real question is where is our passion supposed to lye? Misplaced passion is the huge majority of why our youth today is in amongst pain and hurt.

          We have passion and we are willing to do it with all our heart… but when it pleases us.

Colossians 3:23-24
Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart as working for the LORD, not for men. Since you know you with receive an inheritance from the LORD as a reward. It is the LORD Christ you are serving.


          The Bible expresses it. We should not be filled with these worldly passions. You probably know the common ones. Drinking, drugs, lust, premarital sex, pornography, they eat at us from the inside out, a rebellious spirit, swearing, etc.

          Our passion should lye in the things we do showing Christ through us. Everything we do do should always be for the LORD.

Cassandra Falun

I may have opened a can of worms, but it is something our society needs to hear and see that those things are empty. Our work should be for the LORD God and it should please him, not disappoint him.

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