Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Was at youth today and broke down and couldn't stop cryin my friend heard me out. She has gone through so much more than me her bro has been in jail her parents are drunks... she was so strong. She said to me, "You are strong, I know that you aren't lost you just think you are, you're makin yourself weak and that happy you is still inside you." This is my last year to tend youth and another youth member came up to me and told me, " You better be a leader next year! You're my favorite!"
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That smile that I put on my face that I feel like I just put on for show, its helped me realize that it's me not givin up. Even through the struggles I saw positives today and had people just come to me and say I just have a feeling to pray for you. Thanks for your prayers.
With Love,
Cassandra Falun