Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Five Weeks!

WOW!! I can not believe how fast school has gone. Five more weeks and school is out. To look back and see that I took a leap of faith and moved out in January to a different province to go to school I am in shock. Knowing God laid all the funds for everything right in the palm of my hands so that schooling for the first semester was possible is unbelievable! I have grown so much in this first semester, I don’t even know where to begin and things may be left out to talk about another time since it is super long.

When I was diagnosed with epilepsy at the age of fifteen I always asked God, “if you love me why would you do this to me?” As my epilepsy got worse my faith in God started to fade away. During that period of time I embarrassed myself a lot, not so much that I regret what I did, I just realize now I didn’t notice how much I was worth. After diagnoses after diagnoses I was tired of trying to be mad at God, so I let it go to see if miracles are real… well I can tell you they are because I have been seizure free for three years. Back then if you told me I would end up in college I would have disagreed with you, let alone Bible College. But, here I stand as I am rebuilding my faith I look onto what my future could be. Is God going to keep me going in this direction? I hope so. He has me standing here in Bible College learning about Children’s Ministry and how to be a Children’s Pastor. Something I have always had a passion for, Children! Not only that, I get the chance to be the change in those kids lives, this means the world to me. Anyways I’m signing off I will post tomorrow on my struggles living in a totally different province then my family and prayer.

The Life of A College Student,
Cassandra Falun

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