I have been reading a book called Jesus Freaks. It had really drawn my attention to see these people who actually won’t stand up for themselves and what they believe all because they want to be alive. When I really think about… if I was in the pressure if I was going to be shot in the head if I wouldn’t deny Jesus, really what would I do? I think now oh yeah I would stand up for Him all the way. It really shows how much belief, trust and faith you have in your saviour. Here is a story that struck me in the heart.
Her Last Prayer- A girl at the age of 16 o17 from Asia in the 1970’s.
The communist soldiers had discovered the illegal Bible Study they were having. These soldiers told all the people that if they denied God and spit on the Bible; as he threw it on the ground, then they could leave alive. All the people did and they were saying I hope you forgive me God, please forgive me. Then the last person reached the Bible, she looked at it, wiped all the spit and dirt off of it. She said, “What have they done with your word? Please forgive them all.” She sat on the ground holding the Bible praying. She knew what was coming. One of the communist soldiers took a pistol and raised it to her head. He pulled the trigger.
Isn’t that how we should be? I am 16 years old… I wonder if I would be like that in that moment. Most people who are facing percicuation today could have escaped if they had denied their faith. The question doesn’t lye where if we are persecuted or not. But are we willing to lay down our lives for our Faith in Jesus Christ? He died for us, don’t we owe him that?

Bits and Pieces
“I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘move from here to there’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.”
ReplyDeleteI thought so :)
ReplyDeleteAmen, preach on girl.
ReplyDeleteI recommend everyone to read Jesus Freaks it is amazing and really opens up our views on God, how people in the toughest times didn't care if they got whipped for saying they believe in the one and only God.