I now understand.
Many, many years ago white people took advantage of black people. We call it racist. The women were house slaves or house maids some of them were beaten. You were never allowed to share a restroom with a black person for they gave ‘diseases’. We told them off like they were nothing, like they didn’t exist; when in reality they are just like you and me. They were never given the credit for raising the white’s children, those little girls and boys didn’t have parents. They were loved and cared for by the maid and those children would say that they were there parents and that they loved them. It breaks hearts, but the Moms were never around to realize what their kids were saying or what their feelings were. They may be little but they are not stupid.
If you were caught talking with a black person personally or befriending them you could be arrested. Why so? Because they were nothing but scum bags. No one cared about them or their own families.
I am really embarrassed to be white. We are all under one label for a reason and we will be under this label forever. Not everyone believes today that the black are good people. It took courage of one person to make the white realize that the black weren’t bad people, they had hearts of gold. That person risked their life by writing the story of many black women’s lives, but those stories made us realize that there needs to be change.
God had provided faith for the black women to stay strong and courage to those who stood out and wrote their stories. He will always be there for you, you just need to open your eyes and see that we aren’t different we are just people. We may have different shoe sizes or different personalities or different looks or different color skin, but we were created in God’s image and we are all beautiful.
Cassandra Falun
Watch The Help. It’s based on a true story. It relates to this and will be able to explain it in story form you can also read the book. Don’t miss out on hearing the amazing stories and to look at life from the outside.
Amen, well said.