Wishing you sparkle wishing you cheer for a bright and Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
P.S. I will start writing again at about the first of January wish you all the best.
"So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand"-- Isaiah 41:10
This goes along with my post from yesterday.
-- “The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son and they will call him Immanuel” –which means, “God with us.” ~Matthew 1:23
Bits and Pieces
Well when we were children (not that long ago for me :P) we got told many things.
When we got told the story of Jesus’ birth me go told three kings went to worship him… or they when to an inn and the inn keeper said there was no room in the inn but they could use the stable. So on and so forth. You know what I am talking about? But…
The list could go on. We need to know the true story of the birth of Jesus. Do you know it? (Read Matthew)
Lots of people think of Christmas as presents and Santa Clause. I saw this real cool video this is what it explains. This person thinks that people get confused between Santa and Jesus:
o They both have beards
o All surrounded by little children scurrying about
o They both have a last name that begins with ‘C’
o They both have a ton of nick names
o How common it is that they both know all the children’s names in the world.
o Both like to keep lots of details on all of us
o They are both gernerous
o So on and so forth.
But they are not so common after all. Kids send letters to Santa wishing for things that they think they desperately need. But Jesus doesn’t break into peoples chimneys and eat their cookies left behind. How Santa has a naughty or nice list, kids hope that he isn’t so strict. Jesus he forgives us all and loves us all no matter the circumstances.
Bits and Pieces
You are loved! Have a great holiday season!
Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. This is how God showed his love among us. He sent his one and only son into the world that we might live through him. This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love on another. No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, !God lives in us! And His love is made complete in us.
--- Some things in life you have to do--- and some things you don’t. Well, loving others isn’t one of those things you can get away with just doing when you feel like it. It’s not optional. Because God loved us so incredibly, he requires us to love one another. Whether we feel like it or not. When it’s easy and when it’s hard. Loving others isn’t optional--- it’s mandatory.
Since God loves everyone, what does it say about your love for him when you totally dismiss someone he sent his son to die for?
…>> Really makes me stumble over myself when I read this cause I have a brother and when I say I hate him or whatever… this is it… it explains it all. Tough to know the truth sometimes<<…
--I thought I would share some random facts and quotes that I found in an old Christian magazine. I clarify them all as bits and pieces.
Bits and Pieces
Prayer is a gift you give to those you love.
Never give up true friends for new ones.
Imagine a world where ability started new everyday. Responsibility. Accountability. Reliability.
Once and for all… I am not for sale. Got it? I’m me. Not an image. Not a look. Don’t try and sell me. It’s wrong. I’m God driven to seek the truth. And free to be alive… in the Spirit.
The guys… the girls. More alike than different.
You know, a battle isn’t necessarily hand in hand combat out on a battlefield. We all fight our battles everyday. It is like in school do you struggle in speech class, or in calculus with the complex equations? Do you struggle with people putting you down? Or how running a timed mile in a gym or in cross country? Whatever difficulties you face--in schooling or at home or people who just don’t care— God goes with you. He understands that some things in your life feel like a battle field. Just as God helped David, who needed strength for the battle, he’s ready and willing to help you, too!
I make mistakes, I think everyone has their faults… sometimes we go down the hard way, are you one who does that? Refer to:
Bits and Pieces
"Each time we face our fear, we gain strength, courage, and confidence in the doing."
· By the time
· ~Genesis 19:23-26
When in friendships or relationships, you feel like God is telling you to move on because of their ways, but you don’t leave immediately or you never do. You want to hold on so tight and never let go. Lots wife was told to run from
When I read this it really struck me, like how immature I was to bring up the past to hurt someone or someone did the same to me… or bring up the past and be scared of the future. The past hurts, prepare for the future. God is there for all of us, be strong because I know you’re a survivor.
Bits and Pieces
* Wait on God, and you will see His excellent plans unfold! *
Prayer doesn’t come easily to some people. Like Luke 11:1 says even the disciples asked Jesus how to pray better. And in psalms there are many cries from David for God to hear him. (Psalms 143)
Prayer is something your learn how to do- - just like everything else in life. I am not a master at prayer but I try. Prayer is all about the faith- - believing God hears you even when it doesn’t seem like it. He promises to listen to everything we say, so we all have to trust in that. Our God is near us when we pray. How awesome is that?! He doesn’t just hear us, he is right there with us… wherever you go… shopping, etc. When you find yourself faced with a hard decision or feel hurt and alone- - God is there when you pray.
Our God is amazing! All you have to do is have faith, trust, and believe that he is there with you always, even when you pray, even through your struggles, through everything! Our God is an awesome God!
Bits and Pieces
“Our God is an awesome God he reigns from heaven above with wisdom, power and love our God is an awesome God.”
© And though she spoke to Joseph day after day, he refused to go to bed with her or even be with her.- - Genesis 39:10
®Everyday you face the choice of making the right decision. What you’re wearing, saying, doing, pleasing God? Joseph’s choices landed him in prison the first time. He always wondered if it was worth it. But when he became second in command of
®Using your God-given abilities now will prepare you for when God puts you in bigger settings. Don’t wait! Take advantage of even the “small” opportunities to serve God.
P.S. Sorry it is short today...
Bits and Pieces
-My friend posted this as her status on facebook and I thought it would be great to share and tell my opinion to this statement.
“What if the best in a person brings out the worst in them too?”
My response- -(feel free to post your thoughts in the comments or if you cant you can e-mail me: cassinky@sasktel.net)
© Well honestly I think that we as people are not perfect, so isnt everyone goin to have "a bad thing"? The reality is that we cant hide everythin. The best is awesome when it comes out, but you arent always goin to see the best in people. I think there is no BEST person in the world, we are all people-- the same. We all show great qualities, but ... See we will never be able to hide our faults.... I would have to say to this statement, "What if the BEST in a person, brings out the worst too?" Accept him/her for who he/she is.
I wanted to speak about my life in this past year to show you a little about me and my struggles; how I went down the hard way instead of letting God direct my path.
My dreams were to be a pilot, but I had glasses so that was out of the question. I wanted to go for my privates anyways. My dreams crashed down in January 2009. At the age of 16 I had the first signs ever of epilepsy. I had little pauses/ shakes that I was conscious during; it was the scariest thing I could ever imagine and knowing I couldn’t do anything. I was waking up sometimes with a swollen and cut tongue; at that point I knew I was starting to have seizures not shakes. My parents didn’t really believe me, they thought I just bit my tongue while I was sleeping but the cut was so deep the pieces of everyone’s thoughts didn’t quite fit together. I told my parents about this, it didn’t really affect them until they actually saw me have one in the middle of February while playing a family game; they instantly called 9-1-1. I couldn’t have imagined it getting any worse, the dizziness/ tiredness and waking up to me being on oxygen. My heart sunk, I had no clue what had happened. That night being escorted to the hospital in an ambulance was terrifying. I started having more seizures, the doctor didn’t believe my family and I. He thought it was just the ‘hormones’. You think that after I have had more than one seizure and the countless times I had a cut open tongue and you would have thought it would explaine it all, but what I described to him he didn’t think sounded like a ‘true seizure’. My family was shocked so they tried eliminating some things that might have caused it, just in case. At that time I had braces, I got them removed 3 months early and I couldn’t eat/ drink anything out of cans. Well I kept having seizures. Finally they did some testing- it was for only 30 minutes. Nothing showed up it said my brain waves were not abnormal. I thought it would never end. The doctor told my parents that the next time I had a seizure, which he doubted, they were suppose to tape it. Yeah my parents walk around the house with a tape recorder all the time… yeah no. They finally got it over time. By the time I had had 10 seizures they found out that I was epileptic. They put me on medication 2 pills twice daily. It was tough to function and get used to the fact that I wasn’t really ‘healthy’ anymore. I got diagnosed with epilepsy in July. Through all of this I was struggling with the fact that my Uncle and Auntie were in a car accident in December. Everything was fine until that same ambulance escorting my Uncle and Aunt to the hospital got in an accident as well. It crushed all my Uncles vertebras and made him paralyzed… around the time of my diagnoses my Uncle got triple pneumonia and passed away. He will always be remembered by his favourite song, “It is Well With My Soul”.
Everything was in a jumble. It was so aggravating… frustrating… I got in fights with my family all the time, almost seemed like I just didn’t care anymore. My schooling went down in marks; I had gotten homework but never did it. I just wanted to give up, just to be done with all the crap in the world. So many people asked me if I was “ok”… why do people ask that when it’s obvious I am not. I am a very outgoing person, I don’t like it when people worry about me constantly, I always smile and laugh at things so randomly- - just because I need it for me. My friends who know my struggles ask me why are you laughing and smiling when your life is going down hill. Just because my life is tough others don’t have to suffer for it.
I dreamed of a fantasy, but I got reality. Through all of this I just couldn’t do it on my own but I thought I could. God is there all of the way. I went to a youth retreat and the pastor spoke about ‘riding the fence’. He asked a deep question by asking if we were leading a double life. I started crying it seemed like I was. At youth I just loved being there and would worship like I always had by growing up in a Christian home. Felt like I got away from what had been happening. When it came to school it was like all my problems had just rushed back into my head. I acted like a totally different person. Are you on the good side? Riding the fence? Or the atheist?
The thing learnt.
© God will ALWAYS love you no matter what condition you’re in! No matter where you are in life. No matter how far you wander off the path. No matter how much you sin. God sent his son Jesus to die for OUR sins. (John 3:16) He loved us so much he didn’t want to see us suffer.
© Life isn’t easy. It isn’t a fast track. There will always going to be obstacles; I believe those are tests from the LORD. He wants to see how much you believe, how much trust and faith you have in him. We as people are not perfect we are going to have our faults. This was one of mine.
Bits and Pieces
“Our saviour, He can move the mountains, our God is mighty to save, yes he is mighty to save. Forever author of salvation, he rose and conquered the grave, Jesus conquered the grave. Shine your light and let the whole world see. We’re singing for the glory of the risen king.”